Saturday, March 05, 2011

random acts of evil

I called yaya this morning to give her a heads up that we need some new makeup around here in the worst way. Everything we've got is staph infested and old as the hills and girls just need to look pretty sometimes.  She was online too and began to tell me the horrid tale about one of my co-worker's parents being murdered in a nearby county.  If I were a bettin' gal, I'd say it's some sort of addiction behind that but DAMN...why did you have to kill these people??  All over western Tennessee and eastern Missouri and Arkansas, gangs and meth labs do business just for the high.  Meth and crack are so addictive that, according to my only takes one time.   After that, you're just chasing a fix.  He's been sober for a long time now, thank you Big Ernie.

Compare that to pot use and you can plainly see that nobody on weed has ever done anything more violent than stab your hand with a fork over the last piece of fried chicken or doughnut.  It is a chill pill for many folks who are suffering through chronic disease and chemo yet the feds keep chasing the border like it's all about the Mexicans.  Eastern Tennessee used to be a hotbed for stills and later, for pot growing.   It could be the greatest cash crop in the USA if only Mike Huckabee would quit trying to get us to the Baptist church and leave precious Natalie Portman alone.  Get a life dude.

All in all, we have it good here our country, all things considered. I mean gah....we COULD be over there in north Africa gettin' shot at by the dictator.  Thirty years of tyranny is enough, umkay.  Even in biblical times stuff eventually got solved.  I think what is really cool about being a believer is that somehow you just know that there's a God that you totally believe in.  It doesn't really matter whether it's a he or she or even what color....just the faith that some spirit with a whole lot more grace and humility is in charge.  Some of the meanest catfights I've ever seen in church happened over controversial subjects like homosexuality and abortion.  It is not up to a church to make that decision.  By golly if somebody gets enough gumption in 'em to get up and get to church , they should be welcomed with open arms.  Back in the day, my momma was a greeter.  Daddy still sings tenor in the men's choir along with the other guys who range in age from thirtyish to a hundred.

There are so many people who have walked this road with me that I feel like their characters need to be fleshed out and dwelt upon.  Everybody at work says that when something really bizarre happens with no explanation other than bad karma, it's a Janie thing.  Unfortunately, babygirl got that gene.  I reckon all we can do is soldier on and all that.  The sun will come up tomorrow!  

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